The name should be described as a short active verb phrase to represent the goal of the use case 用例的名字使用能够表达用例目标的动词短语,并采用主动语态。
Use active verbs and active sentences when writing your site ' s copy . active verbs are powerful and lend energy to your site . the more conversational the website is the better 在你的站点上使用一些充满活力的句子。这样的句子能蹦发出你网站的活力。网站上会话性质的内容越多那么网站的效果就会越好。
Change passive statements to active verbs . saying “ coordinated client meetings ” instead of “ ensured client meetings were coordinated ” adds punch and clarity to a job description 把被动语态转换为主动动词。在职位说明中以“协调客户会议”来取代“确保客户会议得以协调”显得更有说服力及更清楚。
Time is assumed to flow from the left of the diagram to the right . events represent actions and should be stated with one noun and one active verb . they should be quantified " as much as possible and whenever applicable " e . g 时间假设从图形的左边到右边流动,事件表示处置,以一个名词和一个动词来表示,事件应该要量化尽可能任何时候可以如此例如:明确描述工作人员在多远处跌到,而不是只描述发生跌倒。